Quality Control

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ISO9001:2000 As Guidelines

Chainoor has been awarded the ISO 9001 certificate. We adhere to the principles of this industry standard in our daily manufacturing process.

we follow it from raw material inspection and semi-product inspection to finished product testing. Our jewelry meets the quality requirements of premier brands and is sold worldwide.

Cooperating with famous brands such as OPR and DAISY, VoArlane provides the best products to our customers with the power of standardized procedures.

Chainoor 4-step
Quality Management System

Strict Quality Control

Before we produce your products, we'll carefully evaluate and test the quality of components and materials. Our comprehensive inspection process covers everything from trim surfaces to weight measurements.

Your samples will also be used to determine the minimum acceptable level of quality needed for production. When we deliver your finished goods, they'll meet all safety certifications required by industry standards (such as CA65 and REACH) and customs laws.

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